Natural House Cleaning Tools
for safe, chemical-free cleaning!

antique wooden wash tubs and scrub boards
Early in the 20th century, natural house cleaning tools consisted of a stainless steel tub, a washboard and a cake of lye soap. Cleaning, laundry, and dusting were time consuming, back-breaking chores.
In the 21st century, there are many products available that make it easier to follow a safe, non-toxic cleaning routine. These products can eliminate the use of harsh chemicals, are modestly priced and easy to use and reuse. Perfect for back-to-basics cleaning!

All about Steam Cleaners

All about Microfiber tools for natural chemical-free cleaning

Basic Tools

cleaning supplies in a tool caddy
You probably already have all the rest of the supplies you need to do a thorough cleaning job in every room. Of course, you have your favorite mop (doesn’t everyone have several favorite mops?). You have a broom, a vacuum, abrasive scrubber sponges, a scrub brush, and a good pair of protective gloves.

The next step in your new natural cleaning strategy is create your own gentle, safe, non-toxic cleaning formulas from simple ingredients you have in your pantry. The formulas are included throughout this site and you will find that you won't need to buy expensive, dangerous chemicals ever again!

Additional Information

Here’s a link to a very disturbing article on the hazards of chemicals in our homes. Please read it and then return to this site to see how you can eliminate chemicals by making your own natural house cleaning products.

Read about the dangerous products in your home.

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